Source code for pguresvt.svt

# Author: Tom Furnival
# License: GPLv3

import numpy as np

from ._pguresvt import pguresvt_d, pguresvt_f, pguresvt_u8, pguresvt_u16

def _is_power_of_two(n):
    """Checks if n is a power of 2"""
    return (n & (n - 1) == 0) and n != 0

[docs]def mixed_noise_model(X, alpha=1.0, mu=0.0, sigma=0.0, random_state=None): """Add Poisson-Gaussian noise to the data X. Noise is generated according to the following mixed noise model: .. math:: \\mathbf{Y}=\\alpha\\mathbf{Z}+\\mathbf{E}\\;\\textrm{ with }\\; \\begin{cases} \\mathbf{Z}\\thicksim\\mathcal{P}\\left(\\frac{\\mathbf{X}^{0}}{\\alpha}\\right)\\\\ \\mathbf{E}\\thicksim\\mathcal{N}\\left(\\mu,\\sigma^{2}\\right) \\end{cases} where ``alpha`` is the detector gain, ``mu`` is the detector offset, and ``sigma`` is the (Gaussian) detector noise. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray The data to be corrupted. alpha : float, default=1.0 Level of noise gain. Should be in range [0, 1]. mu : float, default=0.0 Level of noise offset. sigma : float, default=0.0 Level of Gaussian noise. Should be >= 0.0. random_state : None or int or RandomState instance, default=None Random seed used to generate the noise. Returns ------- Y : np.ndarray The corrupted data, with the same shape as ``X``. """ if alpha <= 0.0 or alpha > 1.0: raise ValueError("alpha should be in range [0, 1]") if sigma < 0.0: raise ValueError("sigma should be >= 0.0") if not isinstance(random_state, np.random.RandomState): random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_state) # Convert type to float X = X.astype(float) # Rescale Xmax = X.max() X /= Xmax # Add noise Y = ( alpha * random_state.poisson(X / alpha) + mu + sigma * random_state.normal(size=X.shape) ) # Rescale back Y *= Xmax return Y
[docs]class SVT: """Singular value thresholding for denoising image sequences. PGURE-SVT is an algorithm designed to denoise image sequences acquired in microscopy. It exploits the correlations between consecutive frames to form low-rank matrices, which are then recovered using a technique known as nuclear norm minimization. An unbiased risk estimator for mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise is used to automate the selection of the regularization parameter, while robust noise and motion estimation maintain broad applicability to many different types of microscopy. For more information, see T. Furnival, R. K. Leary and P. A. Midgley, "Denoising time-resolved microscopy sequences with singular value thresholding", Ultramicroscopy, vol. 178, pp. 112–124, 2017. DOI: `10.1016/j.ultramic.2016.05.005 <>`_. Parameters ---------- trajectory_length : int, default=15 Length in frames of the block to form a Casorati matrix. Must be odd. patch_size : int, default=4 The dimensions of the patch in pixels to form a Casorati matrix. patch_overlap : int, default=1 The dimensions of the patch in pixels to form a Casorati matrix. motion_window : int, default=7 Size of neighbourhood in pixels for ARPS motion estimation search. Must be odd. motion_filter : int or None, default=5 Size of median filter in pixels used to improve motion estimation search. If ``None``, no median filtering is performed. optimize_pgure : bool, default=True Whether to optimize PGURE or just denoise according to given threshold, ``lambda1``. lambda1 : float or None, default=None If ``optimize_pgure=False``: Singular value threshold value to use for the entire image sequence. Must be a positive float. If ``optimize_pgure=True``: Used as the initial guess for the optimization of the singular value threshold. If ``None``, a heuristic is used for the guess instead. exponential_weighting : bool, default=True If ``True``: Applies exponential weighting to the singular values of the Casorati matrix, such that smaller singular values are thresholded more than larger values. If ``False``: Applies a constant threshold to all singular values. noise_method : int, default=4 Method for estimating Poisson-Gaussian noise parameters. Currently undocumented. noise_alpha : float or None, default=None Level of noise gain. If ``None``, then parameter is estimated online. Ignored if ``optimize_pgure=False``. noise_mu : float or None, default=None Level of noise offset. If ``None``, then parameter is estimated online. Ignored if ``optimize_pgure=False``. noise_sigma : float or None, default=None Level of Gaussian noise. If ``None``, then parameter is estimated online. Ignored if ``optimize_pgure=False``. tol : float, default=1e-7 Stopping tolerance of PGURE optimization algorithm. Ignored if ``optimize_pgure=False``. max_iter : int, default=500 Maximum iterations of PGURE optimization algorithm. Ignored if ``optimize_pgure=False``. n_jobs : int or None, default=None The number of threads to use. A value of ``None`` means using all threads dependent on the available hardware. random_seed : int or None, default=None Random seed used when optimizing PGURE. Ignored if ``optimize_pgure=False``. Attributes ---------- Y_ : np.ndarray, shape (nx, ny, nt) The denoised image sequence. lambda1s_ : np.ndarray, shape (nt,) The singular value threshold applied to each frame. If ``optimize_pgure=True``, these are the optimized values. noise_alphas_ : np.ndarray, shape (nt,) Level of noise gain for each frame. noise_mus_ : np.ndarray, shape (nt,) Level of noise offset for each frame. noise_sigmas_ : np.ndarray, shape (nt,) Level of Gaussian noise for each frame. """ def __init__( self, trajectory_length=15, patch_size=4, patch_overlap=1, motion_estimation=True, motion_window=7, motion_filter=5, optimize_pgure=True, lambda1=None, exponential_weighting=True, noise_method=4, noise_alpha=None, noise_mu=None, noise_sigma=None, tol=1e-7, max_iter=500, n_jobs=None, random_seed=None, ): self.trajectory_length = trajectory_length self.patch_size = patch_size self.patch_overlap = patch_overlap self.motion_estimation = motion_estimation self.motion_window = motion_window self.motion_filter = motion_filter self.optimize_pgure = optimize_pgure self.lambda1 = lambda1 self.exponential_weighting = exponential_weighting self.noise_method = noise_method self.noise_alpha = noise_alpha self.noise_mu = noise_mu self.noise_sigma = noise_sigma self.tol = tol self.max_iter = max_iter self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.random_seed = random_seed self.Y_ = None def _check_arguments(self, X): """Sanity-checking of arguments before calling C++ code.""" if X.min() < 0.0: raise ValueError( "Negative values found in data. PGURE-SVT " "requires strictly non-negative image data." ) # C++ uses numerical values instead of None for defaults self.lambda1_ = -1 if self.lambda1 is None else self.lambda1 self.motion_filter_ = -1 if self.motion_filter is None else self.motion_filter self.noise_alpha_ = -1 if self.noise_alpha is None else self.noise_alpha self.noise_mu_ = -1 if self.noise_mu is None else self.noise_mu self.noise_sigma_ = -1 if self.noise_sigma is None else self.noise_sigma self.n_jobs_ = -1 if self.n_jobs is None else self.n_jobs self.random_seed_ = -1 if self.random_seed is None else self.random_seed # Check arguments if self.patch_overlap > self.patch_size: raise ValueError( f"Invalid patch_overlap parameter: got {self.patch_overlap}, " f"should not be greater than patch_size ({self.patch_size})" ) if self.trajectory_length % 2 == 0 or self.trajectory_length < 1: raise ValueError( f"Invalid trajectory_length parameter: got {self.trajectory_length}," "but expected a positive, odd-valued integer" ) if self.motion_estimation: if self.motion_window < 2 or self.motion_window % 2 == 0: raise ValueError( f"Invalid motion_window parameter: got {self.motion_window}, " "should be greater a positive, odd-valued integer > 1 pixel." ) if not isinstance(self.motion_filter_, int): raise ValueError( f"Invalid motion_filter parameter: got {type(self.motion_filter)}, " "should be an integer number of pixels or None." ) if not self.optimize_pgure and (self.lambda1 is None or self.lambda1 < 0.0): raise ValueError( f"Invalid lambda1 parameter: got {self.lambda1}, " "should be a float >= 0.0 if optimize_pgure is None." ) if any(v < 0.0 for v in [self.noise_alpha_, self.noise_mu_, self.noise_sigma_]): if X.shape[0] != X.shape[1]: raise ValueError( f"Quadtree noise estimation requires square images, got {X.shape}" ) if not _is_power_of_two(X.shape[0]): raise ValueError( "Quadtree noise estimation requires image dimensions 2^N" )
[docs] def denoise(self, X): """Denoise the data X. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray, shape (nx, ny, nt) The image sequence to be denoised. Returns ------- self : object Returns the instance itself. """ self._check_arguments(X) supported_dtypes = { np.dtype("uint8"): pguresvt_u8, np.dtype("uint16"): pguresvt_u16, np.dtype("float32"): pguresvt_f, np.dtype("float64"): pguresvt_d, } X_dtype = getattr(X, "dtype", None) if X_dtype not in supported_dtypes: raise TypeError( f"Invalid dtype: got {X_dtype}, but only {list(supported_dtypes.keys())} are supported" ) if not X.flags.f_contiguous: X = np.asfortranarray(X, dtype=X_dtype) res = supported_dtypes[X_dtype]( input_images=X, trajectory_length=self.trajectory_length, patch_size=self.patch_size, patch_overlap=self.patch_overlap, motion_estimation=self.motion_estimation, motion_window=self.motion_window, motion_filter=self.motion_filter_, optimize_pgure=self.optimize_pgure, lambda1=self.lambda1_, exponential_weighting=self.exponential_weighting, noise_method=self.noise_method, noise_alpha=self.noise_alpha_, noise_mu=self.noise_mu_, noise_sigma=self.noise_sigma_, tol=self.tol, max_iter=self.max_iter, n_jobs=self.n_jobs_, random_seed=self.random_seed_, ) # Apply transpose to get back to the original order and C-contiguous self.Y_ = np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(res[0], (2, 1, 0))) self.lambda1s_ = res[1][0] self.noise_alphas_ = res[1][1] self.noise_mus_ = res[1][2] self.noise_sigmas_ = res[1][3] # Unused for now # self.err_code_ = res[2] return self